Blessed People in world

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit The Beatitudes: An Overview Beatitudes are referred to, as the account of the 'Sermon on the Mount' preached by Jesus Christ, recorded in Matthew 5: 3-12 in the Bible. It is one of the most quoted passages of the Bible. A similar list of beatitudes is also given in Luke 6:20-23. What is the meaning of the word 'Beatitude'? And how does it relate to the word 'Blessed' used in Matthew 5? The word 'Beatitude' is not found in the English Bible. But it is derived from the Latin word 'Beatus' meaning 'Happy' or 'Blessed', the meaning of which is very close to the original Greek word that Jesus used during His sermon on the mount. The Greek word for 'Blessed' is 'Makarioi' which means 'happy, supremely blessed and fortunate'. Before we start looking at each of these ...