Golden Moments of Donkey

Triumphal entry in to the Jerusalem on the First Day of the Jewish week Sunday March 29, 33 AD "They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!'" ( John 12:13 ). The day following the somber dinner party in Bethany, dated by one source as Sunday, March 27, 33 AD, Jesus made a bold entrance into Jerusalem. This step was taken deliberately, with every consideration for the consequences. Prior to this moment, Jesus had refused to allow any public acknowledgement as his being the Messiah and thus avoided intensifying any conflict with the Jewish religious authorities. But, the time was at hand and his opponents fully understood the strong messianic implications of the manner of his entry into Jerusalem. His riding upon a colt, the garments and palm branches in his path and the shouts of the Passo...