God's Care

DOES GOD CARE ABOUT ME Sometimes as you stop to consider the number of people on the earth you become overwhelmed by the sheer number in so many countries surrounding the globe. It can make you feel very small to realize that you are one of billions who live on the earth. And it can cause you to question: does God really care about me? Sure, God cares about all the people of the world, but is that just in a general way or does He care about me specifically? Sometimes just walking down a busy street you can stop and wonder, “God, do you even know I exist? And if you do, what do you know about me? Do you consider me at all?” Or maybe you are looking up into the sky at night and realizing how huge the universe is and you stop to wonder why God would care about the things on this small planet by the Sun. King David pondered this question himself in Psalm 8:3-4, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the...