Do you Know jesus

Did a man named Jesus really live in Palestine 2,000 years ago? Certainly, there is no doubt or question about that. No secular historian disbelieves that, for it is a proven fact of history. Many historians of Jesus’ day wrote about Him. What is of much debate, however, is if He was God or not. Was He just a man like everyone else, or was He really and truly God? Did He just say He was? Or did His followers later write in such a way to make Him seem to be God when He had no such claims? The implications of these answers are great. How can we as Christians be sure? Let’s look at some proofs of His deity from within and without the Bible. First, there is no doubt that Jesus claimed to be god. The whole tenor of his life points to that.He Verbally Claimed to be god many, many times (John 8:58, 10:30; 17:5; etc). He accepted worship as if He...