God's plan is better than our's
GOD HAS THE BEST PLAN Judges 7:1-23 Intro : Read James 4:13-17. In these verses, James council’s men against the foolishness of making plans without consideration for the will of God in the matter. All James is saying is that you and I can make any plans we wish to make, but God always has the final say in the matter. Then, when we learn His plans for the situation, and we make our plans based on His plans, we find out that He had the best plan all along But, we humans like to make our plans, don’t we? We want things to go the way we want them to go. But, have you ever thought that God might have a better plan? 1. When Peter and the others had fished all night without catching a fish, Jesus told them to out into the deep water and they would catch fish, Luke 5:4-8. Peter’s plan was to forget fishing for that day and go home. But, when he o