From Village to Town

OUR LORD LIVES FOR EVER “I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me” Isa. 49: 15, 16. Testimony of K T Koshy Testimony of K T Koshy It was on April fool’s day in 1958 when my father died prematurely, having fallen from a coconut tree. I was barely eighteen years old and my whole world died with him. But God opened way for me to come to England in 1959 to further into a career. It took me eight solid years to raise enough money to go and visit my home town Vermont in Kerala. In the course of my three week visit I got married to Mary. Having lived alone in England I had very little knowledge in raising a family. As a result I made many mistakes on the way. The arrival of our baby daughter Helen, two years after our marriage, was a great joy and helped in building relationships. In 1974 we had an added blessing by the arrival o...