From Village to Town


“I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me” Isa. 49: 15, 16.    

Testimony of K T Koshy

Testimony of K T Koshy

It was on April fool’s day in 1958 when my father died prematurely, 
having fallen from a coconut tree. I was barely eighteen years old and my whole world died with him.  But God opened way for me to come to England in 1959 to further into a career.  It took me eight solid years to raise enough money to go and visit my home town Vermont in Kerala.  In the course of my three week visit I got married to Mary.  Having lived alone in England I had very little knowledge in raising a family.  As a result I made many mistakes on the way.  The arrival of our baby daughter Helen, two years after our marriage, was a great joy and helped in building relationships. 

In 1974 we had an added blessing by the arrival of our son Paul.  We slowly learned by trial and error how to be good parents. As time went on we both admitted that there was something, a vital ingredient, missing from our lives.  Though we both were brought up in a Christian home and attended church every Sunday, we kept Jesus in a corner of our hearts.  This was the problem. Major parts of our hearts were filled with other things, like how to get a better job, how to make the home more attractive, how to get approval of others and so on.  In 1986, we jointly made a decision to rededicate ourselves to the Lord and give Jesus the center place in our lives.  This was the best thing we have done, and it has been a real turning point for us.   

In 1991, I underwent a back operation, but it went totally wrong.  It left me disabled and it forced me to retire from my highly paid job at the London University of Greenwich.  Did my world fall apart this time?  As He promised, He held me in the palms of His hands.  As I look back, I can see God’s work never ceased - whether able-bodied or disabled.  God used us to help and to minister to a large number of people and see them set free in every walk of life in England, Dubai, India and Germany.
In 1996 we went to Kerala to settle back there for good.  But God had other plans for us.  Though we went for a quiet life, we were busier than ever before.  God wonderfully led us to be involved in building His Kingdom, physically and spiritually.  When the work assigned for us was over, the order came unexpectedly from above at the beginning of year 2000, asking us to return back to England.  So here we are in Newcastle enjoying the presence of God every day along with other believers.  Still plenty to do as there is no retirement in the Kingdom of God. 

I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.  Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27.  My response and experience to this is, “Lord, there is nothing, nothing too hard for You”.  The amazing grace of God has always been upon me

His protection brought me safely through the violent storm during my voyage by ship to the UK in 1959; He empowered me to overcome the language barrier, so that I could reach a level to teach in English and to write books;  His love and mercy enabled me to rise from sick bed and minister to many – through prayer counselling  healing, teaching and preaching the Word of God, among other things – for the past nineteen years; The Lord has provided so faithfully for us all these years so that, despite my early retirement on medical ground, we as a family have lacked nothing. There are many more wonderful things that the Lord has done.

When I was incapacitated and confined to bed, a dazzling light came into my room. A voice said to me, “You are blessed by My grace.”  God has always kept His Word to me; he has truly blessed me through the years.  Indeed, God has also blessed me with such a caring and God-fearing family. 

When I tasted and saw the Lord is good, I realized that Jesus Christ deserves (and rightly demands) the whole of our lives – including our service to Him in the area of evangelism and pastoral care.  Whatever the cost, our personal commitment matters most to God.  When Jesus Christ returns, it will be a time of separation; it will also be a time of evaluation. The key is faithfulness.  And it will be a time of commendation (see Matthew 25).  In that day, we will see what our service truly means to Christ.  I pray that this testimony will encourage you, and also bring honor and glory to God.

Beloved Brothers and sisters you all are read the testimony.. It been placed here for acknowledging that our lord Jesus lives today..He is only way to heaven there is no other way so all are accept Jesus as our  saviour in life...he also do wonderful things for you in life ..Today and forever...god bless all of us amen..


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