
Showing posts from 2012

Ways God Speaks to His People

                            Nine Ways God Speaks to His People Have you ever heard someone's testimony of how God has spoken in clear way in particular situation? You may always find few in every small group or church, who always have accounts of God's clear voice. Have you ever wonder how can God speak to everyone but you? Does God really speak? or is it mere emotion or feeling? Does he really communicate in clear (sometimes audible) voice? The answer is  of course "Yes". He does. So, what are the ways in which he speaks? Let us look at what bible says about the ways in which God speaks to his people. Through the Word of God  (2 Tim 3:16, Psalm 119:11, 105) :  This is the most clear and effective way of God's communication with his people. If you want to know how things works perfectly, you need to read the manual. Bible is God's manual for his people. But as in case with ot...

What is Baptism

BAPTISM Christian denominations differ widely on their teachings about baptism. Some believe baptism accomplishes the washing away of sin. Others consider baptism a form of exorcism from evil spirits. Still others teach that baptism is an important step of obedience in the believer’s life, yet only an acknowledgment of the salvation experience already accomplished - baptism itself has no power to cleanse or save from sin . The following takes a look at the latter perspective called "Believer's Baptism:" A general definition for the word baptism is “a rite of washing with water as a sign of religious purification and consecration.” This rite was practiced frequently in the Old Testament. It signified purity or cleansing from sin and devotion to God. Since baptism was first instituted in the Old Testament many have practiced it as a tradition yet have not fully understood its significance and meaning In the New Testament, the significance of baptism i...

How Friendly With Jesus

JESUS IS MY BEST FRIEND  Did you know that Jesus wants to be our Best Friend?   We praise Jesus, worship Him, and serve Him, but friendship is what Jesus wants most of all.  What makes someone a good friend?  A friend is someone who accepts you just the way you are, believes in you and encourages you. Someone who is trustworthy, who never forsakes you, who forgives your mistakes, who enjoys being with you, and who makes you laugh.  Jesus wants to be this way with us. He is not a far away God. He wants us to spend time with Him. He wants to be your very best friend, and He wants you to be His!  Jesus is the best of everything we look for in a friend.  The Bible shows that Jesus was "cool". People wanted to be around Jesus. They wanted to hang out with Him. They wanted to be His friend. Jesus' last message to His disciples was that He wants to be our friend. (John 15:15)  In this we will learn abou...

God's Care

DOES GOD CARE ABOUT ME Sometimes as you stop to consider the number of people on the earth you become overwhelmed by the sheer number in so many countries surrounding the globe.  It can make you feel very small to realize that you are one of billions who live on the earth.  And it can cause you to question: does God really care about me?  Sure, God cares about all the people of the world, but is that just in a general way or does He care about me specifically?  Sometimes just walking down a busy street you can stop and wonder, “God, do you even know I exist?  And if you do, what do you know about me?  Do you consider me at all?” Or maybe you are looking up into the sky at night and realizing how huge the universe is and you stop to wonder why God would care about the things on this small planet by the Sun.  King David pondered this question himself in Psalm 8:3-4, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the...

Sharing Jesus Changing Lives

SHARING JESUS WITH OTHERS Sharing Jesus with other people is one of the most important things we can do as Christians. The answer to the world’s needs is Jesus Christ, and God has chosen you and me to reach the lost. According to Acts 1:8, every one of us is to be a witness to the lost. We are the human instruments through which Christ reaches them. Jesus can save and heal, but He needs our voices and our lives to spread the Good News. There are two key ways we can inspire others to search for Jesus, and with God’s help, we can do both. First, our own lives are a witness to others that Jesus is Lord and Savior. The way we speak and act and live our lives is a powerful way to show that faith works and that Jesus is alive. Our obedience to God, our positive words, and our good attitudes make us stand out in a world filled with darkness. When we love others, sharing a kind act or encouraging word, we help others to draw near to Jesus. Second, we can share t...

Golden Moments of Donkey

Triumphal entry in to the Jerusalem on the First Day of the Jewish week                  Sunday March 29,  33 AD "They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!'" ( John 12:13 ). The day following the somber dinner party in Bethany, dated by one source as Sunday, March 27, 33 AD, Jesus made a bold entrance into Jerusalem. This step was taken deliberately, with every consideration for the consequences. Prior to this moment, Jesus had refused to allow any public acknowledgement as his being the Messiah and thus avoided intensifying any conflict with the Jewish religious authorities. But, the time was at hand and his opponents fully understood the strong messianic implications of the manner of his entry into Jerusalem. His riding upon a colt, the garments and palm branches in his path and the shouts of the Passo...

Our Emmanuel Born

OUR EMMANUEL BORN Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. ( Matthew 1:23 ) Matt 1:18–25 This Christmas I hope you see the birth of Christ in a whole new way. For I hope you see the reason God sent the Son. That he sent a child the Son to the world for the purpose of seeking and saving the lost. And today by the power of the Holy Spirit we are sent preaching good news to the poor, proclaiming freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Matthew 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus the Messiah 18 This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph, her fiance was a good man and did not want to disgrace her publicly...

From Village to Town

OUR LORD LIVES FOR EVER  “I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me” Isa. 49: 15, 16.     Testimony of K T Koshy Testimony of K T Koshy It was on April fool’s day in 1958 when my father died prematurely,  having fallen from a coconut tree. I was barely eighteen years old and my whole world died with him.  But God opened way for me to come to England in 1959 to further into a career.  It took me eight solid years to raise enough money to go and visit my home town Vermont in Kerala.  In the course of my three week visit I got married to Mary.  Having lived alone in England I had very little knowledge in raising a family.  As a result I made many mistakes on the way.  The arrival of our baby daughter Helen, two years after our marriage, was a great joy and helped in building relationships.  In 1974 we had an added blessing by the arrival o...