
Showing posts from May, 2013

How to Meet God

Here’s how you can use silence and solitude to grow closer to God: Pay attention to what’s stirring in your soul.                                                                                    Notice the feelings of desperation and desire that you experience at various times. Instead of trying to suppress or run from those feelings, let them motivate you pursue time with God in silence and solitude. Incorporate silence and solitude into your life regularly.                                                               Choose a regular time and place to get away from life as usual and spen...

Bright future

A Bright Future in Jesus Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for today is from St. Mark Chapter Sixteen. The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” This was the question that the women asked one another that first Easter morn. Their Lord was gone forever. That’s what they thought. All of the talk about Jesus as the Messiah seemed cold and dead on their lips. But they wanted to do what was right. They wanted to bring the spices and anoint His body. If he could not live, at least He should die with honor and respect as a great teacher. We all fight this battle. This battle with death. Sometimes the battle seems to be going well. We’re healthy, the kids are doing okay, and tax season is almost over. God is gracious, and there is much to rejoice about. Other times, though, it seems as though death and Satan are winning. A loved one dies. There’s ...